
Showing posts from 2016

Letters from the Past

Today I opened a very special bundle of letters, a bundle that took me back to my childhood and left me with a choked throat and moist eyes. They were in a little red cardboard box, spilling out almost as if they were keen to escape their confines and reach out to my heart. How did they get to me, these little missives that I had written so long ago, little, forgotten scraps that had stayed on like indelible ink, smudged and precious? My latest book ‘Shadow in the Mirror’ was launched in October this year and what made it extra special was my mother landing up without warning, to wrap her eldest offspring with her love and blessings. She spoke a few words about me, and then handed over the red box, which, she said, defined me as a person. Life went by and today, as I was looking for something else, I came across this precious offering. Fortifying myself with a cup of green tea, I sat down and proceeded to take a trip into the past. The first thing I laid eyes on w

Mock, Stalk & Quarrel - Author's Interview: Ranjan Kaul

Mock, Stalk & Quarrel  is a collection of 29 satirical stories, penned by prolific writers and bestselling authors, that attempt to mock, question, defy, and raise a voice against issues that matter. The stories were chosen from a nationwide contest conducted by Readomania and compiled in this collection that promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking read. For more about the book and the authors, head to the  Facebook page of Mock, Stalk & Quarrel .  The book has made an amazing entry at no 29 on Amazon.  Book Link:   Amazon Author Interview: 1.           How would you describe yourself in one line? Humanist, creative fiction writer, artist 2.       After four decades of experience in publishing, how did you find the shift over to writing?       I am enjoying every moment of it. I finally have the space and ti

Shadow in the Mirror by Deepti Menon

Check all the Books Here Name of the book: Shadow in the Mirror Author: Deepti Menon Read some reviews:  Kirthi Jayakumar Ayan Pal Kavita Singh The Story: It all begins with a death. Nita, a pregnant woman falling from her balcony becomes the string that unravels the plot. Her death casts a shadow over many lives; her heartbroken father, her husband and Vinny, a young journalist, drawn in by the whiff of foul play and murder. What follows are stories within stories, eras and worlds colliding with each other, leaving behind splintered relationships and mesmerizing slices of lives that appear to be drawn together and driven apart by the whimsical threads of destiny. As events cast their shadows ahead to link the stories of Vinny, Kavita, Roma, Krish and Nita in an unrelenting knot, a journey starts to uncover the truth. What is the secret that links Nita’s death to the other characters? Will Vinny be able to unravel the mystery of Nita’s deat

In the Light of Darkness by Radhika Maira Tabrez

"Someone I loved once gave me a box of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift." It takes a gifted writer to be able to create an imaginary island and etch it so precisely that it appears real to her readers. Radhika Tabrez does just that as she  fleshes out an Indian paradise called Bydore and populates it with lifelike characters like Susan Pereira who is bound to Pereira Mansion and her father’s promise, Deena, a close friend and her feisty daughter Shahana, and Colonel and Mrs. Bindra, all of whose lives are blended together effortlessly. “They all could sense the chasm in each others’ hearts” and “their mutual need for succour”, a need that made them family. It is into this family that a grievously wounded Meera is brought in, and over time, Susan turns into her anchor, touched by “the forlornness in Meera’s eyes” which made her “hear the echoes of her own life”. Their lives fuse as the pieces of a puzzle coming together, and Me

The Smitten Husband by Sundari Venkatraman - Guest Post

Marriages Made in India Book #1 THE SMITTEN HUSBAND by Sundari Venkatraman Guest Post The Queen of Romance novels, Sundari Venkatraman, answers a question put to her by Deepti Menon. "Dear Sundari, It is wonderful to see so many stories fly out from your prolific pen. Where do you get your ideas from, especially for a five-novella series? How difficult is it to sustain the tempo as well as the credibility of the characters, considering that they stem from book one and live on over the next four books? Which are the characters closest to your heart, and why?" Hi Deepti, Firstly, let me thank you for your compliment. When I published The Runaway Bridegroom , a few of my readers were impressed with Shikha, one of the side characters, and her relationship with Abhimanyu. They wanted to know what happened to the two. I wasn’t sure of writing a sequel as I couldn’t visualise a full-length novel for them. Later, when I read a

Knitted Tales - A Collection of Emotions by Rubina Ramesh

Looking forward to reading the talented Rubina Ramesh's collection of emotions, Knitted Tales soon! RELEASING ON THE 10TH OF OCTOBER  Knitted Tales: A Collection of Emotions  By  Rubina Ramesh Every tale has a path to follow to reach its destination.. but it may not exactly be the one we should follow. WHAT IS THE ANTHOLOGY ALL ABOUT? What forces an innocent girl to become a sex symbol? Her desires? Or cruel fate?  Is a lifetime enough—for avenging a betrayal? How do you hide secrets that never stopped haunting you?  Can vengeance and secrets of your past devastate your present? How can long-buried crimes of yours suddenly raise their head? Can sinning be saving? Is your spouse your soulmate? What if they never understood your feelings? Can you still live with them? Lastly, does life give only two options? Live or die? What if there is a third? In her debut anthology, Rubina Ramesh tries to find answers to these questions that are