It was going to be no ordinary day! She loved his cryptic little notes that never failed to make her smile! Today’s was no different. “Megha, meet me at two, I want to say ‘I do!’” The little rhyme was written in a script that was unique, for his handwriting was filled with curls and loops, created with painstaking care. She touched the paper with her lips and put it away deep within her personal diary, which was filled with dozens of these little notes on little coloured squares of paper. Every colour stood for a different mood... when he was elated, he sent a purple message, the blue ones were for when he was dejected. When something touched him deeply, he responded with a sunshiny yellow message and a red one heralded his flaming temper. Megha loved these quizzical missives. Rohit had always been a good friend, right from high school onwards. They had studied in the same class, acted in college plays together, hung out with common friends and all problems seemed to disa...