The Edge of Another World Pepita Seth “I felt no fear and yet I shivered, suddenly feeling as if I had come up to the edge of another world.” ‘The Edge of Another World’ by Pepita Seth, pans out as a sweeping saga of the three women, Sophie, Ines and Thattakkutty, whose lives play out in different ways, but seem to criss-cross at certain junctures, as fascinating parallels bring their lives together, even if they never share space together. The contemporary Englishwoman, Sophie Neville, whose mother’s death is more of an ending of everything, decides to go to Portugal, when “the whisper of an inner voice” tells her to risk changing her life. Evora’s Hotel Convent, “a paradise, untouched and natural” brings her peace of mind, as she finds a connection with the Cromeleque, an ancient arrangement of prehistoric monoliths, “standing stones, rough-hewn, lichen-covered.” It is there that, apart from certain mystical manifestations, she finds a heavily stained i...