#askvarsha contest Ask Author Varsha Dixit a question on your blog and she will answer you in her own unique way. Watch out this space for more. Only the best questions will be selected. My Question for #askvarsha is... Hi Varsha, your title is very eye-catching. Did you feel that using an oxymoron would not only catch eye-balls, but also bring out the contrast in the natures of your main characters? RIGHTFULLY WRONG, WRONGFULLY RIGHT by Varsha Dixit Blurb Love is in the air again…this time it’s steamy, bold and manipulative! Gayatri and Viraj both are products of childhood trauma. Yet they were able to survive, one because of her shrewdness and the other because of his genius. Rightfully Wrong Wrongfully Right, the final part in the best selling ‘Right and Wrong’ love trilogy is the story of these two damaged souls. Gayatri Dutta, the poster child for rich spoiled diva is fighting to escape a life of servitude her tyrant father is hell be...