Let’s nip this habit in the butt (ouch), oops, bud, I mean! Life can get downright embarrassing when one’s tongue lets one down, and not gently at that. When I was a teenager, I remember walking up to two nose-up-in–the-air classmates, who spent much of their waking hours listening to Western music. I don’t even know why I did it; I guess I just wanted to show off, and so I spoke airily about a song that was all the rage at the time. “Don’t you like ------? I think it’s an amazing number!” Their mouths fell open, and there was a trace of mockery in their eyes, which gave me a moment of discomfort. It was only later that I realized that I had made a complete ass of myself by mispronouncing the very name of the song. My cover was blown! That was the day I decided that I would stop showing off. That was also the day I realized that pronunciation rules. I had always loved my books (blame that on my grandparents and my parents!) and I took up Literature in coll...