BOOK REVIEW - The Hunters' Trap by Sindhu John

The title entices and the excitement begins from page 1 itself as three hunters chase a mother elephant and her little baby with beating drums and flashes of light. From then on, the pace never slackens as two sets of people move along their own divergent paths. It is a race between unscrupulous hunters and a gang of intrepid children who are determined to unite the elephant mother with her baby. Will they be able to do so? Or will they be too late? If so, what will the consequences be? These and other questions remain on the minds of the readers as they partake in the race between good and evil. Sindhu John may be a first-time writer, but she knows how to capture the imaginations of young ones. Right from the names she uses – Viper, Mamba and Spite for the bad guys, to the quirks of her young heroes, Penny, Jack, Lucy and Ethan, she has her facts spot on. There are no black and white characters here, but believable ones who might exist in the real world. For example, the innoc...