Grave Cats and Batty Dogs

Credits: Varun Rao A title like the above can be puzzling, I confess, but no other would describe the scenario better. So here we were, cosily ensconced in Johannesburg, with our daughter and her family. The day before we arrived, an unusually cold front decided to make its presence felt, resulting in our cowering under blankets, gulping down umpteen cups of green tea and hot water. What kept our adrenalin pumping was the presence of our adorable little granddaughter and grandson, both of whom we had not seen for two years, and of course, the rest of the household. Except that a new member had been inducted into the family where, for so many years, a grey cat, grave and majestic, had held sway. Tyrion (Game of Thrones) was the ideal house pet – pleasing to the eye, present when required and well able to take care of himself. Most of the time, people were not even aware of his presence. Credits: Gopi Menon Enter a batty dog, the most beautiful looking Labrador with a personality that ...