‘Eventide’ – the title of the poetry book by Vasudha Pansare hints at a major theme that nestles within, one that deals with the evening of our lives. “However long, the day will end,” says the poet, using a metaphor for life and death, which is carried on throughout the book in various other poems such as ‘The Evening of Life’, ‘Mortality’, ‘The Evening Sky’, ‘Twilight’, ‘Evening’ and ‘When It’s Time to Die’. “Tranquil should be our sunset years,” “The twilight has entered my being, / And tranquil I feel, without and within.” “The sun of youthfulness has set, / And I do not regret.” The poet prays for the health and happiness of all in the eventide of life. Another apt metaphor sings of the ocean of life and human beings as boats. “ I am a weak little boat, and the waves turbulent.” She is very much a nature poet as she finds beauty everywhere in nature. “We are like Autumn leaves, / Here today, gone tomorrow.” A sense of thankfulness runs through many of Vasudha Pan...