Avishi by Saiswaroopa Iyer

AVISHI by Saiswaroopa Iyer Blurb Long before the times of Draupadi and Sita Immortalised in the hymns of the Rig Veda But largely forgotten to the memory of India Is the Warrior Queen with an iron leg, Vishpala Brought up in the pristine forest school of Naimisha, Avishi reaches the republic of Ashtagani in search of her destiny. When Khela, the oppressive King of the neighbouring Vrishabhavati begins to overwhelm and invade Ashtagani, Avishi rises to protect her settlement. But peril pursues her everywhere. Separated from her love, her settlement broken, with a brutal injury needing amputation of her leg, can Avishi overcome Khela? If stories about ancient India, especially those with strong women characters interest you, then Avishi is a story you must read! Guest Post: How did you decide to write a story about a warrior queen with an amputated leg and how did amputations work back then? It must have been a gruelling process in i...