The lockdown has brought with it innumerable challenges, not the least being the need for parents to keep their young ones occupied and happy. At such a time, a book like this is like a ray of sunshine with its delightful suggestions on how to keep children from getting bored. It offers suggestions for children between the age group of five and twelve, over a period of 21 days.

The language is simple and engaging and the author, Saba Irfan Ladha, had spiced up the days of the week by giving them various apt soubriquets, like Maniacal Monday, Wittiness Day, Super Sassy Day and the like.

The very first activity is one which is easy, sustainable and exciting – raising a plant. The author gives a short introduction on why this activity is a useful one, and goes on to the method, the materials required and the steps to be followed, in crisp, understandable language. The picture that goes along with the activity is also a carefully thought-out one. What makes this even more enjoyable is how the author throws in little suggestions like what to name the plant etc.

Be it DIY play dough, or some tasty snacks, (cooking without fire), this book has them all along with instructions on cleaning up the area after the activity is completed. There are some fabulous sketching ideas with illustrations as well. However, one of the most interesting activities is the way the author encourages the child to create a puzzle book from scratch, cover and all. These are not only fun to make but work as wonderful gifts as well. Along with the added advantage of learning new words as well!

After a week of activity, the author suggests a break on the weekend, an outing, a visit, having fun with friends. However, she has an extra suggestion where children can clean up their own living spaces. I have no doubt that mothers, in particular, would heave a sigh of relief at reading this.

Week two has a new set of activities all lined up in perfect order.

Making chocolates on their own, animated masks, creeper curtains… the activities are all easy and well explained. There is a wonderful activity on making pet rocks which look colourful and effective.

Charity begins at home. How about doing something to help people who are in need? That is a laudable thought, and it encourages children to develop kind and giving hearts. There are many more wonderful ideas in the book, but I think I have given away enough information already.

What I enjoyed most about the book was, apart from the activities, how the author has blended in nuggets of wisdom that always go a long way to develop the sensibilities and the emotional quotient of the child. This is a book that should be read by all parents and children, both during the pandemic, and after.

Book Link:








  1. Pet rocks - wow I didn't know that's a thing. I remember we had given rocks to a friend on her farewell as a joke and then she had made us sign them!

    1. I thought that this is an interesting concept. Rocks turning into rockstar gifts! :)


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