"Well, we have a whole new year ahead of us. And wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, a little more loving, and have a little more empathy, and maybe next year at this time we'd like each other a little more." Judy Garland Every year brings new challenges with it, doesn’t it? Do we run about like headless chickens, trying to solve them all or do we work our way through, one step at a time? "Maybe this year, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws, but looking for potential." Ellen Goodman Despite my hectic professional schedule, running a household with the help of an extremely supportive better half, and of course, my multifarious writing projects, I still managed to smile through it all, mainly because I loved everything I was doing. Isn’t that the key to enjoying life? Doing what you love? On the one hand, I had taken over as the Director of my mother's school on Jan...