
The apartment was dark with not a soul stirring within. Only two windows were lit up, golden in the darkness. The clock had struck midnight and the balmy air seemed to be holding its breath. Night insects flitted about, creating their own harmonious orchestra, punctuated by the shrill bark of a startled stray dog in the distance.

The streets were deserted, the shutters down in all the shops across the space where the apartment loomed.

During the day, the apartment came to life as its inhabitants scurried around, going to work, taking a stroll or a run depending on their age, chatting with passers-by and haggling with the vegetable vendor who plied his wares in a broken-down cart. His rates were lower than those at the shops.

By noon, a drowsiness would set in, and the warm air would turn languid. Lazy bees would buzz about the flowers laden with nectar and only Zomato riders would ride around with their ubiquitous food deliveries, carrying dishes heavy enough to lull people to their siestas.

Evening would find weary homing pigeons back in their homes after a gruelling day at work. As the evening stretched into night, with the stars twinkling in the velvety sky, one by one, the lights would be switched off, each section of the apartment turning dark.

Finally, only two windows would shine forth, golden in the darkness.

Who were the occupants in the two flats who stayed up at night, well past midnight?

What induced them to keep awake, sleep deprived?

The mystery was easily solved.

The first flat belonged to a teacher finishing her corrections after the household was fast asleep.

The second window revealed the silhouette of an author, busily scribbling away, as ideas and themes danced around in his hectic imagination.

The windows would remain lit, either way.

I am participating in the #WriteAPageADay by #Blogchatter

308 words


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