
Over the decades, words fill our lives, words spoken, words penned and words that stay unspoken within the soul. There is so much of our hearts that go into these words, and stay there in the world, in the form of books, articles, poetry and the like. That is what we writers live for. Spaces form between words, and there are times when words dry up as well. But we need to battle on, even on days when we have nothing to say.

When one fine day, those words are taken away, it can be heartbreaking. Even when there are back up files because there are specific moments when these words make all the difference, and when the moments are taken away, the words cease to have the same effect.

There are thieves who steal away words for nefarious reasons… to hoodwink the innocent and to make a quick buck. These are the people who hide hearts as back as the night within pristine exteriors. One day, when something precious is removed from their hands, they will realise how dastardly it is to steal words and moments so significant. I wonder if hell fire is too good for these sinners.

It is time to start afresh on a new page, on a clean slate and with a new profusion of words. There is no past here, only the living present and the unborn future. As H.W. Longfellow put it so eloquently,

 “Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!

Let the dead Past bury its dead!

Act – act in the living Present,

Heart within, and God o’erhead.

I am participating in the February #Blogchatter #WriteAPageADay Challenge.

277 words


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