Epitaphs That Said it All!

“Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out alive anyway.” Elbert Hubbard certainly had the right idea when he put forth this quote. There are many people who went gently into the good night, and yet did so with good humour.

 For example, Winston Churchill, who was known for his quick wit, left behind a cryptic comment on his tombstone.

“I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”

Frank Sinatra, the singer with the golden voice, seemed determined to outdo himself in heaven perhaps, as his gravestone read

“The best is yet to come.”

William Shakespeare, who shook up Elizabethan England with his prolific offerings, obviously did not want to be disturbed after his death. His epitaph must have discouraged many a tomb robber, as it proclaimed

The writer. Billy Wilder, seemed determined to poke fun at his profession even after he was no more! 

Graveyard humour is always black hued, but some of the tombstones are downright funny! Like the ones below:

And the next one takes the cake!

Other famous personalities said it the way it was. 

And our very own Steve Jobs, whose headstone seemed eerily apt.

Robert Frost remained poetic till the end.

 "I had a lover's quarrel with the world." And Spike Mulligan amused an entire nation with his tombstone quip below.

The above quote was deemed funnier than Oscar Wilde's "Either those curtains go or I do."  And here are a few more notable examples.

The Irish have always put things perfectly.

Finally that one quote that is so apt for the virtual world today!

And who could end this piece better than Mel Blanc who used his legendary voice to bring alive many of the Warner Brother cartoon characters. He ended the performance of his life with Porky Pig’s signature line.


  1. This is my favourite #AtoZChallenge post so far, seriously! People need these epitaphs to finally admit that they aren't going to live forever, and that they should make the most of what they have. Brilliant collection, Deepti, I'm adding this page to my browser favourites!

    1. Devika, I love you for all the wonderful things you do! Thank you so much! I am honoured!

  2. ROFL! Imagine writing a post with Epitaphs of all things in the world. Amazing! :D
    psst.... did I miss Robert Frost's headstone?

    1. Sundari, thank you so much! No, you didn't miss Frost's headstone... I couldn't locate it myself! :)

  3. Loved reading these. Liked the one by Billy Wilder. Coming back for more !!

    1. Jyotsna, thank you so much! The Billy Wilder one resonates with most writers! :) I would be thrilled if you went through the rest of my blog as well!

    2. Jyotsna, thank you so much! The Billy Wilder one resonates with most writers! :) I would be thrilled if you went through the rest of my blog as well!

  4. what an interesting way to do your "E"! Steve Job's Epitaphs is really heart-breaking. Deepti, you are going to be a famous author!

  5. Thank you ever so much, Savita! It is wonderful readers like you who urge writers like me to write our hearts out! <3


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