Sagittarius - The Archer!

"Pick any party and look at the center of the liveliest group. See that fellow sitting there happily with his rather large foot stuck in his mouth? He's a Sagittarius (the term 'Sagittarian' doesn't seem to exist outside the Indian gamut, so please forgive me if I don't use it!) who has just gone out on a verbal limb, but he doesn't know it yet. When he does, he'll look slightly bewildered-and the group around him will be looking daggers."

Linda Goodman certainly knew what she was talking about! Either she was a Sagittarius, or married to one! Or had been steamrolled by a fellow Archer!

Sagittarius folks think they are super diplomatic. Why they think so is a total mystery. This is maybe because, most of the time, they make even compliments, sound like injury, and then go on to add insult to that injury. "You look amazing for your age!" sounds fine, except when you are nowhere as old as the Archer thinks you are!

Sagittarius preface their comments with, "I wouldn't hurt you for the world!" and then go on to do just that, oblivious to the fact that they have done just that. There is no point in getting annoyed with them. Subtlety is lost on them, and venting your anger on them will only make them look at you with clear, guileless eyes, bordering on bewilderment. And that is no act! They have no idea what they have done or said wrong!

Sagittarius can fly off the handle when they face injustice, or when they see animals being hurt, or when someone pushes them the wrong way. They flare up like firecrackers, but they cool down just as soon. Often they end up remorseful, and try to make amends, but generally take flowers to a patient who is allergic to blooms of any kind. Talk of bloomers!

One thing Sagittarius are is painfully honest! Believe me when I say that I cannot tell a lie to save my life! I try desperately, but I have this horribly transparent face that gives it all away. My daughter says that when I try to fib, I do something strange with my lips. Apparently I twist them sideways or something! Anyway, suffice it to say that I cannot lie!

So when someone asks me if they have lost weight, or if what they are wearing looks good on them, I smile vaguely, and nod, so that I do not have to say anything. Obviously I would prefer not to be asked such questions!

There are times, of course, when a Sagittarius gets a taste of his own coin. I remember the time when I was home on a visit and and a lady who hadn't seen me since I was a teenager, came up to me and exclaimed, "Oh my God! What has happened to you? You look like hell warmed over!" Of course, she did not use that same exact phrase, but it was enough to make me panic and palpitate. She topped that up with the final stab, "Gosh, you look older than your mother now!" Considering that Mom is in her 70s, that was no compliment.

Or the other lady who introduced me to her friends, mentioning Mom's name. "She's Nalini Miss' daughter!" Pronto came the remark, "Oh, you look so much like your mother!" (an oft heard comment!) Just as I was preening, the first lady said, "No way! She's not as smart or as pretty as her mother!" A Sagittarius comment, if there was one!

Sagittarius are normally gregarious individuals, who can be creative and idealistic. They dream the biggest dreams and aim their arrows at the wide open sky, so that even if they do not quite reach there, they will still get to the tops of the trees. Naivety and optimism are two qualities that are the hallmark of the Archer who will try and combine fun with seriousness, irreverence with responsibility and wear rose coloured spectacles while doing so.

The ground rule in dealing with a Sagittarius is, "Always ask! Never tell!"  The Archer needs to be cajoled gently, not ordered around. There is a streak of stubbornness that magically appears the moment the caveman technique comes into play, and chances are that what needs to be done will never get done!

However, Sagittarius make great friends, who live life to the hilt, and force their friends to do so as well, whether they want to do so or not. The strange thing is that Sagittarius veer towards one another, clown around, have a whole lot of fun, and at the end of the evening, they look at ones another and go, "Hey, are you a Saggi? You must be!" 

For that is how goofy we are when we get together!

PS: I have a number of Sagittarius friends who would fit the above description to a T.


  1. hahahahahahaha I am rolling on the floor, laughing as my servant looks at me strangely. That was just too funny. My best friends and worst enemies (well, enemies is going over board ;) ) are Sagittarius. I definitely know what you mean by those "compliments" and "honest comments" Uff! It's a wonder that I still have them as friends. hahahahahahahahahhaha
    Some of the characteristics though, coincide with Libra's - mine. I am famous for my foot-in-mouth syndrome (though my feet are quite small)

    1. Sundari, the Sagittarius in me is rejoicing! :) I am sure when we meet, we will have a blast, as both of us will have our foot in our mouth! :) Something to look forward to, definitely!

  2. I don't really care much about zodiac signs and all, but this was fascinating and hilarious to read. Kudos again to your wonderful writing style and clever wit, Deepti!

    1. Thank you so much, Devika! I love reading my 'horror' scope, especially if the prophecies are good! I ignore the bad! :)

  3. I completely agree with this post of yours as I seen a lot of Sagittarius people in life with these great qualities. A very interesting post.
    Thank you Devika for sharing this piece with me .

    Have a great day Deepa

    1. Thanks, Ash! I am glad you enjoyed my post! And I am going to be a Saggitarius, and tell you that my name is Deepti! :P
      Hehe, no problem, though!

  4. hahahhaa....I agree with almost all the stuff here!! dad's a sagi...and he is one of the most optimistic people I know, not to forget, fun loving, practically the life of any party, and yea... a big foot in his mouth! I am dad's pet and I'm sure I'd get along similarly with you!!

  5. Little princess, I have no doubt that we would have a gala time together! :) Thanks for the endorsement! :)

  6. What a fun post, I love astrology, my son was born with the moon in Sagittarius. Apparently that is very lucky.

    1. Maria, thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed my post! And yes, being born with the moon in Sagittarius is lucky... actually it is fun as well! :)

  7. What a fun fun read ! You are terrific friend to have lady! that is for sure <3

  8. You and Narendran share the same b'day..and all those traits mentioned above are so typically him!! Pssst!!!!. You're far better than Linda Goodman


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