Happy International Women's Day!


Let’s throw those clichés away today! And for all the wonderful, caring men around, (I have a few in my family as well!) this post is a pat on your backs!
For the rest:
Don’t stereotype women by hemming them into the multiple roles they play – great- grandmother, grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, daughter and granddaughter!
Why is there a woman behind every successful man, not alongside him, shoulder to shoulder? A hand held out is worth all the nudges on your back!

Do not portray mothers as self-sacrificing? The sacrifices come straight from the heart; little joys and sorrows that are part and parcel of bringing up a child. Look upon them as the rungs of a ladder.
Why do sisters need to step aside for their brothers? Let them do so if they want to, and not because they have been forced to! Brothers can be wonderful human beings too, if you peep into their psyches.
Why does outer beauty define a woman? Tell her she is beautiful within, and that is all that matters. Facades are mere facades, after all; the worth lies within.

A daughter can often turn into an advisor and a pillar; don’t be surprised when she does don these roles. Age has nothing to do with wisdom, and I talk from experience.
Let the men in your lives praise, not patronize; love, not judge; let them hold your hands to maintain their balance as well, and not just to prop you up.

Women are emotionally stronger than men. True, but give them a chance to refrain from being emotional superwomen all the time.  
For all the wonderful women who celebrate Women’s Day today:

Take a deep breath and smell the roses and the fresh earth.
Be whimsical, impractical, silly, flamboyant, not-in-control, adventurous, irreverent and downright funny!
You only live once... don’t take the burden of the world on your own shoulders. Distribute the weight around.
Wear rose-coloured spectacles, crack terrible jokes, laugh with your family, let there be dust in the corners of your homes, once in a while... you never know, it might just be fairy dust!
Above all, keep that wellspring of love within you going strong, like a coffee percolator! It only grows stronger every time you use it!


  1. Lovely, so many issues and resolutions in a nut shell. Happy Women's Day, dear friend!

    1. Devika, my dear, thank you so much for all the warmth and support! Happy Woman's Day to you as well! <3

  2. Love this, I for one always wanted to break cliches but too timid to do it. Hope I will be brave enough soon. HAPPY WOMAN'S DAY to you and all the ladies in your life!!!

    1. Shruthi, thank you so much. I think you are very brave because you are doing what you have always wanted to do. So keep up the chin, and the good work. :)

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! You have just inspired me to be the woman I am. Really! Even at this age and stage. That's the magic in your pen, dear Deepti. Thanks

    1. What a lovely thing to say, Sutapa! Thank you so much. And might I say the same about your pen as well?

  4. love this <3 thanq for penning this. I love the coffee analogy

    1. AJ, love you for loving this post... and the coffee analogy! :)


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