A Beautiful Life Laid Waste!

“If only... the saddest words in the English language.”
 Kristan Higgins

Over the past three days, the whole country has been avidly following the news at the accidental drowning of one of the most charismatic stars we have ever seen.

If only the beautiful lady, the heartthrob of millions, the only superstar of India, had survived...

If only she had realised that something was wrong when she went in to have a bath...

If only certain people on social media had shown more restraint, instead of commenting on her lifestyle, and all that she should not have done with her body...

If only some news channels had not jumped to their own conclusions and rushed in where angels fear to tread...

If only mindless speculations had been left unspoken, and trenchant voices been silenced...

If only the word ‘karma’ had been left out, instead of being bandied about like a dry leaf in the wind...

If only cameras and obtrusive journalists had not dogged the funeral cortege, waiting to pounce on every expression of agonised loss on the faces of the mourners...

If only we, as her fans, had reacted with true shock and sorrow, and stopped right there...

If only abrasive tongues had thought of her grieving family; her husband and her young daughters, before putting out tweets that hurt and posts that wound...

If only terribly sad photographs had not been circulated from the Dubai morgue, pictures that robbed her of her dignity in her final hours...

If only we had remembered that a shining star, a celebrity in her own right, warrants as much respect and dignity in death as anyone else...

Maybe, just maybe, we would deserve to be called humane!

Sridevi, may you shine on in the celestial world forever! You will never be forgotten in this one, ever!


  1. Perfectly summaries some of my own thoughts. Have not posted a word on this yet. Maybe still in shock about the end of one of my all time favourite actors. May her soul rest in peace...

    1. Thank you so much, Ayan! All the developments over the past three days distressed me and I just had to write this.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Heidi!It is more of a nation's loss. She was a brilliant actor.

  3. Glamour face of bollywood in 80's, certainly its a big loss for Indians. Tailors in Dubai.


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