Just Another day by Piyusha Vir

Marcus Cicero once said that “Brevity is a great charm of eloquence.” Piyusha Vir certainly seems to believe in the adage, as all three of her short stories, in her debut book titled ‘Just Another Day’, are eloquently brief, each one striking in its denouement.

‘Writer’s Circle’ revolves around a murder that takes place before a crime thriller book meet. The language is conversational, almost like a Christie piece, as the police check out the facts, and the murderer stays in the shadows, determined to stay there. Ms. Vir reveals a turn of phrase that is easy on the ear, and the twist in the tail/tale appears all the more startling.

‘Happy Birthday, Saisha’ talks about a young girl who tries hard to fit into the patriarchal scenario that refuses to treat women as equals. This story is mired in the world of today and leaves the reader with a tear in the eye and an ache in the heart.

‘Elevator Tales’ is a tale that ends on such a note that one needs to go back and read it all over again just to see if one has missed any clues along the way. Subtle humour and an informal style make this an easy read.

Piyusha Vir’s grasp over the narration of her stories is masterly, and each one is uniquely different from the others. The tone changes according to the theme, and one is left breathless as she changes gears with the ease of a seasoned driver.

‘Just Another Day’ is certainly not just another book! It needs to be read and savoured.


  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful review, Deepti. You made my day! <3

    1. I enjoyed all the three stories, Piyusha! Now waiting for a solo book from you. All the very best! :)


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