To Talk of Cabbages and Kings...

Have you ever noticed how prepositions can change the meanings of the commonest of words? For example, take the verb 'talk'. You can talk to people, about them, of them, with them and against them.

"The time has come," the walrus said, "to talk of many things; of shoes and ships - and sealing wax - of cabbages and kings." 

Lewis Carroll

The one difference between human beings and animals is the art of talking. While animals can communicate in their own ways, man is the only creature that can talk.

Some people talk in public, others put down their thoughts on paper. Writers write; orators wax eloquent.

"Talking and eloquence are not the same thing: to speak, and to speak well, are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks."

Ben Jonson - Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter

The gossip-mongers talk, but their words are empty, devoid of emotion, and filled with malice.

Talking isn't doing. One can talk and talk, but unless one acts, words remain just words, devoid of action.

Talking to oneself can cause people to poke fun at one. However, one can react in a totally diverse manner and amuse oneself.

Often there are reasons why people prefer not to talk about certain topics. 

However, what we all do need to understand is that when we talk, we have little eyes on us. Our children tend to hang on to our words and act exactly like us.

Thus, choose your words carefully. You never know when you might have to eat them.

And finally, in the words of Walt Disney himself,


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