
Even American author, George RR Martin, would never have envisaged how popular his fantasy series titled ‘A Game of Thrones’ would become as people thronged to read the first book, 'A Song of Fire and Ice',  and its sequels. The television series put faces to the characters created by the author, further adding on to his éclat. However, readers savoured the books which satisfied their thirst for details and gave them more information than the TV series could ever do.

Lord Tyrion Lannister was a huge factor in this popularity. Known as ‘the Imp’ or ‘the Halfman’, he was the favourite character of the author’s as well. Tyrion was resented by his father, Tywin Lannister, the patriarch of House Lannister for two reasons. First, his mother died in childbirth and secondly, Tyrion was born a dwarf. He had eyes of two different colours – green and black. His habit of staring at people often made them uncomfortable.

                                                              Tyrion Lannister


Tyrion lived in style to mitigate his inadequacies, enjoying a lifestyle with wine and self-indulgence. His wit was rapier sharp and when a civil war broke out, he was in the thick of it, winning it by a narrow margin. He was a trained soldier and showed his bravery in battle. 

As in many high-class establishments, relationships were rather strained, especially with Tyrion’s sister, Cersei, because she looked down upon the dwarf. Cersei was married to King Robert Baratheon and hence, was Queen of Westeros. In contrast, Jaime, Cersei’s twin brother was fond of Tyrion and treated him with love and respect.

Tyrion had a natural wit which kept him afloat in many a situation. His sense of humour and his cunning revealed that he was the most intelligent character in the book though he was often underestimated. When he was accused of his nephew, Joffrey’s murder, Cersei pointed a finger at him even though he was innocent. Pushed to the brink, Tyrion committed a couple of murders which would haunt him throughout his life.

‘A Game of Thrones ‘meandered across eight seasons, with bloody action, explicit scenes and vigorous action. It was populated with myriad characters, interesting in their own ways, but Tyrion Lannister continued to hold the attention right through.

                                                               Wallpaper Flare

Peter Dinklage, the actor, who played the role in the television series, was a casting coup. He was incredibly smart and witty, and his own nature resembled that of Tyrion’s in many ways. For this role, he has won seven awards and 37 nominations.

 Tyrion’s wit often came out in one-liners like the following:

“A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.”

“One you have accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.”

“People often hunger for truth but seldom like the taste when it is served up.”



  I am participating in the #Blogchatter A to Z Challenge! Happy Reading and Writing! :)


  1. Tyrion, was one of the characters who was seriously underestimated by others. I think he is one of the best etched characters in literature

    1. I also feel so, Harshita. I have read only the first book and have not watched the TV series, but Tyrion impressed me from the start.

  2. I loved Tyrion and I think by the end of the series, was watching the show for him. My fav one-liner of his is: I drink and I know things :D

    1. I have not watched the series, though my daughter kept persuading me to do so. However, Tyrion impressed me right from the start of the first book.

  3. I think there's one quote that goes something like, "You're either a fan of Tyrion Lannister or you haven't watched or read Game of Thrones" which explains it all about how much of a fan favorite this character is.

  4. Yes, Manali! Tyrion has his own fan following across the world. It was wonderful how Peter Dinklage played the role to perfection, or so i have heard, since I have not watched the series.


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