The cover image is picturesque, the hills shrouded in mist evoking a feeling of warmth and anticipation. The foreword by Bharath Kandasamy gives the reader a hint of what lies ahead in the book titled ‘Free Rein to Thoughts’ by Aarthi Bharath.

“Want some quick bites to kindle your thoughts, delve deeper into some of the common social stigmas or gender stereotypes, or initiate some interesting coffee- table conversations with GenZers, who are our future Changemakers? You have already boarded the time capsule.”

With such an intriguing introduction, how can one not be all agog to delve into the book?

Aarthi Bharath has obviously spent much time, pondering over various aspects of life to compile a whole collection of quotes which reveal her insightful outlook and quest for knowledge. She talks of holistic well-being, on the one side, and the busting of myths on the other.

All the quotes are well displayed in boxes with apt backgrounds, simple homilies that are oft repeated, but the author has put them together in a way that is pleasurable to read and absorb. Simplicity is pleasing fare, easily digested.

“We are the sum total of our lived experiences (good, bad & in-between, how we process them and learn.” This quote sums up Aarthi Bharath’s philosophy of life, and these experiences are encapsulated in her book.

Celebrate the journey of life. Be appreciative and grateful for what you have. Be mindfully aware, take in the significance of goals, and inspire by being extraordinary and authentic. Be empowered through self-awareness and self-confidence. All these quotes bring a sense of well-being as one goes through them, creating a feeling of positivity.

However, the author does not stop there. She has words of caution for her readers as well. For example, she remarks that positivity is good. Yet, she goes on to say, “Toxic positivity keeps us in denial of accepting reality & working with facts.” Likewise, trust is good, but blind trust can be harmful to relationships and self.

Certain quotes stress on what is not to be done if one is to live a harmonious life. Do away with the need to belong, eschew bloated egos and procrastination. Do not judge and box in others around you. Choose to challenge inequality and meaningless rituals. Overcome the fear of judgement and unconscious bias.

The author also gives sound advice on how to bring children up. Two wonderful quotes in this respect aptly cover this topic.

A parent is only as old as their first child. They learn as child(ren) grow. Perfect parenting is a myth.”

 “Enabling safe spaces for children to experiment and learn from their mistakes, without inhibitions, ensures a future proofed adult in the making.” She sounds a warning when she asks parents not to stunt the growth of their children through over protectiveness or destroy the joy of learning and exploring through unrealistic expectations of perfect outcomes. A quote most required in the modern world!

Another laudable point made by the author is the significance of self-care in a world that has turned increasingly chaotic. Pausing for a moment and introspecting increase quality of life. Prioritising chaff from grain and discerning clutter from knowledge lead to wisdom. Happiness is paramount, and spending time with friends is the world’s best therapy. Besides, it costs peanuts!

Two snippets touched my heart, both for their simplicity and their genuineness.

‘The Small Things in Life – Extremely Precious’

‘Outside My Window - I see Hope’

There are quotes that deserve to be transferred in their entirety, because they make such perfect sense. For example:

Oil Lamp and Karthigai Deepam - “The warm steady glow from the wick of an oil/ghee lamp infuses so much comfort for a troubled mind.”

Spontaneous Moments – Simple pleasures of life are always found in those spontaneous moments that happen upon us, announced. Relish them before they disappear as suddenly as they appeared.”

Dreams come true – “No dream is too big to achieve, if we act diligently on them during our waking hours, with a clear and consistent plan.”

There are many more. The message is clear. Send out a message of love and care and the Universe will respond in the same manner. Be empowered through self. “An ounce of gratitude can make us happy & content for a long time.”

“I am like water, air – fluid and flowing

Going wherever life takes me in its journey

Scripting my own story & leaving behind a legacy.”

#BlogchatterEBook #BookReview #Quotes #LifeLessons #Meaningful

 You can download Aarthi Bharath's book from the link below:

This post is part of #BlogchatterEBook Carnival.





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