The month of August is here with all its leonine tempestuousness, and life follows suit. The month ahead is one of hectic activity, and I visualise myself hopping from project to project (No, I am not talking about the Blogchatter Bloghop, mind you!) there is no time to stand and stare, as the poet put it, but only time to dip a finger in all the pies ahead.

The 75th year of Independence has come around; a year of much rhetoric as old vows are renewed, and patriotism is the most toted word on every Indian’s tongue. This year, the national flag can be flown on rooftops of common citizens, a gesture that will make hearts fly as high as the flag itself. My only hope is that the national flag be respected as much even after the 15th. Often, my heart breaks to see tiny plastic flags lying on the road and in garbage heaps once the day is done. One thing I would like to work on in August is try and prevent the people around me from doing so. Working in a school gives me the leeway to speak about the significance of the flag and it is heartening to see how much our children respect the national symbols. August is the time to remind them all over again about the core idea of respect.


The toughest thing in the world is exercising and walking to keep one’s health ticking. A battery of tests done recently enlightened me to the glaring fact that I do need to walk at least four times a week, follow a strict diet and get enough sleep. Like I mentioned, there are only twenty-four hours in a day, and so much to do! A Utopian dream, of there ever was one, but I guess it is time to get on with my sports shoes and earphones!


Being a writer has its ups and downs, and there are times when one wishes that a day had forty-eight hours. There are many prompts which I am not able to meet and as Douglas Adams laughingly put it, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” That is exactly the crossroads I am standing at, and I am reminded of Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’. Have I taken the road not taken by turning into an educationist after having been a teacher and writer for many decades? Then it hits me that I am truly blessed – imagine being able to do both things I dearly love? Mentor young children and write whenever the impulse takes me. In both cases, an imagination that runs riot is a must! August is the month when I need to catch my deadlines before they whoosh away and stick to all my deadlines in school as well. Phew, hectic, but exciting!


Finally, I have a new book out of which I am the co-writer, the life sketch of my mother, Ms. Nalini Chandran, an ace educationist who began a school over forty years ago, with all the experience she had gained from teaching in schools across the country as an Army wife. The book titled ‘Defying Destiny: Nalini Chandran – A Life Sketch’ is a walk through her inspiring life, where she brought up thousands of children, many of whom are in different parts of the world, creating a niche for themselves. The cover reveal is over, and the book launch is on the 20th of August. Now comes the difficult part where one needs to garner interest for the book. Hence, my final task for August is to spread information about a book so close to my heart. A task that is tougher than getting pigs to fly, no doubt! However, hope lies eternal in the human heart and strive I will, along with a wonderful army of my mother’s students, friends and admirers.

August, you do ask a lot of me! I hope I can keep up with you.

#tasks #Independence #health #exercise #deadlines #DefyingDestiny

 This post is part of #BlogchatterBloghop

Buying Links of Defying Destiny:

Defying Destiny - A life sketch of Nalini Chandran


  1. The other day, I was also thinking about the fate of Independence day flags on 16th Aug every year.

    1. Absolutely, Geethica! The thought troubles me every year.

  2. I also hear the whooshing noise of the deadlines as they storm away :)

    1. Prasanna, I guess we are kindred souls! :)

  3. What a list and here's wishing you all the best!

    1. Thank you so much, Suchita. All the best to you as well in whatever you do! :)


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