On our second day at Cape Town, it was time to do something for the kids. So, we made our way to the highly popular Two Oceans Aquarium.

As we waited to get the tickets, we glanced around at the exterior with massive placards that were very impressive. We couldn’t wait to get inside.        

The interiors were dim, designed to make us hold our breath as our eyes fell on the spectacular exhibits within the glass cages. I, for one, had never seen coral so colourful in my life.

The sea horses with their unique question-mark shapes captivated us as did the various other specimens that were spread in a dazzling array, each more eye catching than the ones that went before.

We felt that we were under the ocean as shoals of fish swam around us, darting about in quick succession.            



The stingray section reminded us of the tragic and untimely death of the vibrant Steve Irwin, the Australian conservator known as the Crocodile Hunter, and also of the brave way his family continued his legacy after. 

As we made our way across the aquarium, our hearts rejoiced at the beautiful sights all around us. Whoever said that watching fish swimming is a relaxing sight certainly had it right. We could have watched these beauties forever!

As we moved on to another level, the colourful sight of a cornucopia of ocean life mobiles quite took our breath away, with delicate jelly fish, seaweed, star fish, aquatic creatures in brilliant hues all dangling over our heads.

The last section housed penguins, strutting and fretting their way across the stage, as they sensed our eyes upon them. They were absolutely adorable and the kids loved them on sight. 

The magnificent bronze sculpture of Maxine, a female ragged-tooth shark, created by Chris Bladen stood proud with the impressive title of ‘Ambassador of the Ocean’. 

We crossed the giant glass enclosures with large sharks meandering about, each set on a deliberate path as if they were on some kind of business. Their glassy eyes and sharp teeth caused a shiver down our spines.


By this time, hunger pangs had started assailing us and it was time to say goodbye to the aqua world that had kept us entranced over the past couple of hours.

The grandparents and the youngsters left Two Oceans Aquarium, hearts full and happy. This would be a memory worth cherishing over the years.


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