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I was browsing through Facebook when my eyes fell on a journaling account. I have always loved anything to do with writing and doodling, and am seriously thinking of starting a journal as well.

I watched this lady who started with a blank page and started filling it in with paper cuts, stickers, quotes and Washi tape. She started with a basic colour and created a theme around the hues of the colour, step by step, letting her imagination run riot. She had such beautiful little pictures, and I could imagine the passion with which she stuck each bit down, embellishing it at every stage. The end product looked lovely. Anyone with even a smattering of artistic talent would have appreciated it.

However, as I scrolled down at the comments below, I was shocked to see several downright nasty ones, along with the appreciative ones. One lady asked almost rudely, “What is the point of this? I find it a waste of time.”

Another lady continued in the same strain. “I agree. All those craft thingies look expensive. Who has the time to sit and do this? Absolutely useless!”


This got me thinking. How have we allowed ourselves to turn into such critics? I mean, constructive criticism is always welcome. However, calling something so beautiful a waste of time only proved the narrow outlook of the person saying so. Freedom of speech is all very well, but saying hurtful things, especially on a public platform, is extremely disheartening.

I have grown up with the policy that it is better to praise openly, but critique privately. If you have something nice to say, by all means, say it. Often, people find it difficult to praise others. However, the moment something goes wrong, the barbed tongues and the cutting remarks blossom like the common weed. They multiply like the common weed as well.


Often, establishments have two books… a complaint book and a book of appreciation. No points for guessing which one gets used more and which one remains pristine! That, unfortunately, seems the way of the world. As the old proverb goes, “The crying child gets the milk.” The more you complain, the more attention you will receive.

There is a whole world of writers, artists, actors and artistes out there, all of whom have put their hearts and souls into their art. How easy is it for an outsider to bring them down with one harsh word, one bad review or one sarcastic remark? These naysayers revel in their opinion, sometimes they are influencers, and every word of theirs carries weight.

At that level, isn’t it better to show a generosity of spirit and temper one’s words, keeping them strictly professional. Be critical, but generously so. There is no need to lavish fulsome praise if you do not mean it. However, there is no need to tear someone’s hard work to pieces just because you have the power to do so. As WB Yeats said so poignantly

“I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”


Going back to the journaling account on Facebook, my heart ached when I saw the cruel comments there. Some folks were vicious. They pooh-poohed the effort, the time taken and the taste of the artist. They replied to one another’s comments, turning more vitriolic by the minute. It was as if they had decided to deride the artist and break her heart into smithereens.

What impressed me was the way the artist handled it. She replied graciously to all the comments that were positive and appreciative, thanking the senders and replying to their questions with patience. She did not respond to the rude, tactless ones at all. An extremely wise move because if she had also replied in the same coin, it would have led to an imbroglio in public, which would have put her actual fans off! A wonderful quote sets things in the right perspective.

“Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.”

After I read all the comments, I sat back and pondered. If the naysayers really felt it was a waste of time, why did they even watch the whole video? They could have moved on to something more interesting as far as they were concerned. No power on earth can tie you down to your chair or chain you to your laptop if there is something you do not want to watch.

Even as I say all this, there is something called constructive criticism which is a type of feedback that offers clear, direct, honest and easy-to-implement advice that helps a person to blossom. This is the kind of advice that is given by someone who wants to help the artist grow. It focuses on the positive and the negative. It is specific and shifts its focus to the situation, not the person. It also offers solutions and recommendations on how to improve, which is a far cry from criticising just for the sake of doing so.   


Finally, let us all rest content in the fact that a person is criticised only when he has something worthwhile to show for his efforts. As the proverb goes, it is only the fruit-laden tree that has stones thrown at it.


Then again, how can you not concur when Rumi, the poet, adds his own magic to the art of criticism?

This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023.


  1. Beautifully described. I am great fan of crafts and specially journaling. Though I don't get enough time to do it but I would really like one day to start doing this. More power to her for being to so kind!

    1. Thank you so much for reading my post and your warm comment, Nibhz. It means a lot.

  2. I agree with your article Ma'am, it's really a negative ground these days where people rarely appreciate each other and rather try to bring others down. Sometimes; to me it seems like a war zone, many people are extremely aggressive and rude. Constructive criticism is required but its not easy for everyone to take.

    1. Monalisa, I agree that the world does turn into a difficult place at times. Luckily, there are those who uplift one's spirits and make it a better place as well. Thank God for that balance. Thank you for reading and commenting!


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