“I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found, ever since you've been around

Your love's put me at the top of the world.”

The old Carpenters’ melody played as she looked at the photograph in the frayed album. There she was, in the bloom of youth, gazing at him, the centre of her universe.

He was a dapper young man, with a rakish smile that could melt hearts. The first time she had seen him was in college, surrounded by adoring maidens striving to catch his attention. Her heart had skipped a beat, but since she was brought up ‘right’, she watched him from afar, casting her eyes down every time he looked in her direction.

Maybe her bashfulness made him notice her. As she was about to bite into a delicious tart, his voice broke into her thoughts.


She had started, nearly dropping the tart.

“Hello…?” Her voice was hesitant.

She had no idea what he saw in her, a wallflower ignored by most.

He smiled when she asked him that after the first few meetings.

“I love your shy smile, your large eyes and your demure demeanour.”

Slowly, he brought her out of her cocoon, to the point when she started feeling better about herself. Her friends pulled her leg about the young man who made her blush.

Their love was the stuff of fairytales. When they got married, there was rejoicing all around. The photograph in the album was that of their wedding day, a day which they would deem the happiest in their lives.

When their daughter was born, and later their son, life could not be happier. She took care of the babies; he worked in a prestigious firm. Slowly the years went by. The children turned into adults, they finished college and moved on to jobs that suited their temperaments.

Which is when the cracks showed up, deep gashes that tore their marriage apart, cracks that had been covered up so well that the world looking on was aghast.

“How can you both get divorced? You are the ideal couple?” said a friend whose marriage had broken up due to incompatibility.

Their daughter wept buckets of tears; the son pulled his hair in desperation.

“Ma, Pa, how can you do this? Our friends swear by your relationship. It has always been so.”

They gazed at their children, and then at each other. It was time for the truth to be told.


“When they get to the part

Where he's breakin' her heart

It can really make me cry

Just like before

It's yesterday once more.

The divorce went through. The children protested no more. Though they were deeply unhappy, they accepted the explanation provided by their parents. They loved them deeply and they knew that they were equally loved in return. The only difference was that their parents now lived in two different houses.

Their daughter fell in love and married a businessman. Their son did not fall in love, but married a beautiful young lady for convenience. The grandchildren made an appearance, and life meandered on. Every vacation, the two families would come down and stay with the older couple, a week with one, the next with the other.

“Ma, how did you ever survive without Pa? You were so much in love,” sighed her daughter.

The mother smiled ruefully. “All because of a broken heart! Infidelity can create a rift that can never be mended.” Her daughter hugged her gently. How much her mother had suffered! Yet she had never said a harsh word against her husband, or allowed her children to do so. Maybe that was the reason that the children continued their relationship with their father.

The telephone rang, a strident note shattering the silence at twilight.

The children hurried to their mother’s home, where she sat, shrouded in silence. When she saw them, she burst into convulsive tears, as they wrapped their arms around her.

The ceremony consisted of a few close friends and family members. The large, garlanded photograph of their father looked out at them, his eyes twinkling as they had always done. There were many well-wishers who spoke of the dynamic man they had all admired, even loved. His widow sat, tears streaming down her face, as she heard them all. Her children consoled her, her grandchildren sat by her, squeezing her hand gently from time to time.

Once all the guests had left, the mother beckoned her offspring towards her.

“Let the children go and play in their room. I need to talk to you of a matter that I should, and would, have discussed with you, but your father forbade me from doing so.”

It was the magical hour of twilight when leaves rustled outside, and the silence crept into their hearts. They waited, wondering what their mother had to say to them. She looked unnaturally grave, a trifle nervous even.

“My children, I have done you an enormous injustice all these years. I would have opened up to you years ago, but for your father.” Her voice quavered, but she controlled herself, and continued.

“You remember we spoke to you about the reason for our divorce? Your father owned up to his infidelity and told you that we had agreed to a mutual divorce.”

They nodded, puzzlement in their eyes.

Dabbing at her eyes, she continued.

“It was not your father who strayed in our marriage. I did. He was heartbroken, but he refused to let me tell you so. He felt that I would fall in your eyes. He could not stand that. He made me promise that I would not tell you because he preferred to make himself the villain.”

Bursting into tears, she sang softly,

 “All my best memories

Come back clearly to me

Some can even make me cry.

Just like before

It's yesterday once more.

 "This post is a part of Remembering Love Blog Hop hosted by Sukaina Majeed and Manali Desai."



  1. We see dreams and they pull it towards future! The last line made me think do we ever go back in time that frequently just to correct our mistakes? Very well put Mam!

    1. Yes, indeed, Nilshree! Dreams do work in different ways. Thank you for your appreciation!

  2. The use of lyrics from "Yesterday Once More" by The Carpenters reinforces the theme of nostalgia and the weight of memories. The mother's tears and the choice of this particular song suggest a deep sense of remorse and longing for the past. The story beautifully captures the intricacies of human relationships, the sacrifices made for the sake of loved ones, and the enduring pain of lost moments. The emotional depth and the choice of song lyrics enhance the overall impact of the narrative.

    1. I love this song, and many others from The Carpenters... maybe because I grew up on them. Thank you so much for your heartwarming and detailed comment, Romila, I am thrilled!

  3. I wasn't expecting this end. You've carried the plot so well. A little sad, though, but very well written, Deepthi.

    1. I am so glad that you could not see the end coming. :) Thank you so much for your comment, Janaki!

  4. Such a beautiful story with such a touching ending.The father's love for the mother shines through as he is ready to play the villain.

    1. Marietta, I am sure there are men like him in the world. Love can have so many interpretations. Thank you so much for reading my story and for your lovely comment.

  5. Love comes in various forms. Sometimes though we go astray, God always gives us a chance to get back to our loved ones. The father's love is so pure. Wish the parents had sorted this out and forgiven each other so that the kids were happy. They didn't have to know about who was the villain or person who went astray. But nice story.

    1. Yes, Cindy. Love comes in various forms. If the parents had sorted things out, this story would have taken a different route altogether. Thank you for your thought-provoking comment.

  6. It was a twist in the end. The plot went smooth and with a realization sometimes we have to lie to protect the person we love from criticism and embarrassment that the man did well for her wide whom he loved a lot.

    1. Often, marriages survive when partners lie to protect each other and their children. Thank you for your comment, Tanvi.

  7. You bring out one of the deepest ironies of love so beautifully.

    1. Thank you so much for your generous comment! It is heartwarming.

  8. This was a beautiful tale of love and compassion. I kept wondering why such a loving couple would get divorced. But a divorce does not make sense, they could just have lived separately. A divorce is much too complicated, and only needed for getting sustenance or if the partner wants to move on. Nevertheless, this was heart-wrenching and beautiful.

    1. Preeti, I guess every marriage is different and the way couples react is even more so. Thank you so much for appreciating my story.

  9. Such a beautiful read. I loved the way songs are added to depict the current story tempo. The way your words flowed weaved magic. I wish there was no word count and the story would've been elaborate showcasing their relationship and what led to the affair(state of mind).

    1. That is such a lovely comment. Thank you so much for appreciating the music and the narration in my story.

  10. Beautiful tale of Love, sacrifice and nurturing the relationship. I didn't expect this end but glad that you put it up so well. Pain is unbearable. Losing loved one, heartbroken but still maintain the image of the love one, terrific.

    1. Thank you ever so much. Losing a loved one is always excruciating, but ensuring that memories remain untarnished, in my opinion, is paramount.

  11. This touching story vividly portrays the nuances of love, time transcending by weaving these two silently, and sacrifices made to sustain a relationship. The story opens with an unhurried melody, which describes a paradisiacal marriage that seemed good on the surface but was far more complicated. However, the disclosure of information about the actual cause for splitting couples makes this episode even more profound due to the depiction of an altruist by the husband, who ‘covered’ the image of his wife and kept up a false show only thanks to their children. The bittersweetness of being alive, loving and losing to life itself is beautifully written bearing readers some kind of emotions from their experience.

    1. Neerja, your comments are aways so well thought out and intuitive! Thank you for understanding the nuances in my story.

  12. The story beautifully unfolds the complexities of love and the sacrifices made in a marriage. The revelation adds depth to the characters, making it emotionally moving and thought-provoking.

    1. What a lovely comment, Neha! Thank you for understanding the nuances in my story.

  13. What a bittersweet read this was. Sometimes love goes beyond our understanding and includes acts which seem so out of the ordinary. This is one such instance

    1. Manali, there are times when love goes beyond the ordinary, turning into something sublime. Thank you for your intuitive comment.

  14. Love often makes us accept the other person with all the flaws. This emotion becomes the strength as much as it makes us weak in the knees.

  15. True love always protects the person he/she loves even when aware that injustice was done to him/her. You portrayed this truth in this beautifully penned story which clearly says what true love is. Deepti I am just in love with your writing style.

    1. That is such a heart-warming comment! Thank you for making my day. Yes, a true lover always protects even when he or she is deeply hurt by the other.

  16. This is the real compatibility
    and maturity we want in every relationship. Respecting and admiring each other even when the opposite person's do hurt. A truly gripping and thoughtful story written by you.

    1. Thanks so much, Anuradha. Mutual respect is, in my opinion, extremely important in every relationship.

  17. A very interesting twist in the tale and a take on love. We turn blind in our loving protectiveness, don't we?

    1. Thank you, Suchita. Yes, often we turn blind in our protectiveness, but only because we do not want to wound those we love.

  18. Geethica, that is so true. True love is acceptance.

  19. I do agree with you, Aastha! Divorce is the last means, and sometimes, even after divorce, love continues in certain cases.

  20. You have such an effortless flow of writing, I can read all day like this! This story gripped me and though I saw the twist coming, it was nevertheless as soulful and wrenching. Your narration added that magic to it~ lovely lovely!! 💕

    1. What a beautiful comment, Careena! Thank you so much. I am overjoyed!

  21. I am in awe of your style of writing. A beautiful yet bittersweet story. Divorce does not always mean the end of love. Love is not a switch that turns off or on. And often there is a lot more than meets the eye.

    1. That is so true, Ritu. Divorce need not mean the end of love, and marriage itself may have so many layers to it. Thank you for your warm comment.

  22. this story made me realise of a post i had written about parents and the secrets they keep. there are some things we would never know. you took us to the end seamlessly.

  23. What twist in the story till the end !! I was just spellbound. Love and marriage have so many layers. Absolutely loved reading it Ma'am!

    1. Dear Chinmayee, I love your comment. Yes, marriage and love have myriad layers!

  24. Woah... that left me speechless! Such a beautiful story and an unexpected conclusion! Yes, that's love indeed!

  25. What a wonderful story with all twists and turns! loved it totally....

    1. Thank you so much, Aditya, for your heartwarming comment!

  26. Beautifully penned and the unexpected plot at the end! Loved it!


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