
They were both in a grumpy mood, having had a spat first thing in the morning. It was over something trivial, but all of a sudden, tempers rose, and they found themselves shouting at each other, saying things they knew they would regret later.

She went into the kitchen in a huff. He packed his briefcase and made his way to his car, hoping that the traffic would not be too bad. He knew that he would end up losing his temper further if that was so.

She sat in the patio, sipping her cup of tea, trying to read her book. However, her frayed nerves did not allow her to take in a word and finally she gave up and sat still, gazing at the flowers in her tiny garden. She had a green thumb and plants grew in abundance whenever she whispered endearments to them. Her eye fell on a pot which he had presented to her on her birthday, and she smiled, thinking of the way he had packed it in a huge box with holes in it, finishing it off with a giant bow with red and white polka dots.

He had meetings all morning, but at noon, when he opened his lunch pack, he saw that she had packed his favourite dish – ghee rice with chicken curry. There was even a container with crisp pappad bits that went so well with ghee rice.

On his way home, he stopped and bought a little bouquet of her favourite flowers. The ghee rice nestled warmly in his stomach.

When he got home, a wonderful aroma assailed his nostrils – strong fragrant coffee and the smell of something being fried, something that turned his insides to mush. He dropped his briefcase on the side table and made his way to the kitchen where she was stirring a pot of semolina kheer, his favourite sweet. She gave it a final stir and dropped in the dried fruits and the cashew nuts sauteed in ghee.

He handed over the bouquet and she filled a little vessel with the kheer and gave it to him. Their lips twitched and they smiled at each other. She bent her head and sniffed at the flowers as he tasted the kheer, smacking his lips.

Once they were done, they moved of their own volition into each other’s arms, saying in one voice,

“Happy Valentine’s Day!”

 I am participating in the #WriteAPageADay Challenge by #Blogchatter in the month of February.

404 words


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