Integrating Technology into Education and Learning

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 “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.” Bill Gates 

What is educational technology? 

The concept of educational technology or Edutech is defined as a set of tools that enhance the educational process, and help improve the performance of both teacher and pupil through the use of fresh and new technologies. 

What will educators have to do to adapt their teaching methodology and strategies to integrate technology into the teaching process? 

The teacher has always been at the centre of education, the human element. Technology has always needed a teacher who is well versed about its advantages and disadvantages, and who is able to implement it to meet educational goals.

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Teacher and Technology

The ideal solution is the personalised approach to education which is a beautiful blend of the teacher and technology. Education is about human connections and relationships. We cannot replace the magic that happens between the teacher and the student in an in-person environment with a tech style of teaching. However, a ‘rotation’ mode is workable wherein a student moves between online and offline classes – a hybrid model as it has been named.

Gone are the days of ‘chalk and talk’ where the entire focus was on the teacher lecturing and the students listening.  The shift has ‘the sage of the stage’ being replaced by the ‘guide on the side’. Technology has brought in many innovative methods by expanding access to education. Any kind of information, good, bad and ugly, is available at the click of a button. It requires a teacher to sift through these piles of information and give the student that which is relevant, up to date and correct.

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The Teacher’s Role

Technology starts at a point where the teacher needs help to further reinforce what the student needs to know… this can be at the beginning, the middle or the end. Everything depends on the teacher’s discretion, on how she wants to guide her students, on how interactive she wants to make her classes and make her students love her subject. There is a vast ocean of knowledge out there to be sifted and deciphered by the teacher.

The role of the teacher has changed, from a lecturer to a facilitator, coach and mentor. Students are now more aware of their surroundings and the topics in their curriculum through experiential learning classes which are more interactive and interesting. In this regard, integration of subjects is also a concept that has been introduced over the past few years. It is also important to engage students emotionally and socially to create a more authentic learning experience. After all, education is not just an academic process but the holistic experience which turns students into balanced, empathetic and caring human beings – true citizens of the world.


Digital Tools

With digital tools, the teacher he can bring real life situations into the classroom through videos, audio clips, power point presentations, dramatic tools, AI and the latest trend, virtual reality. Students are also comfortable with their devices – laptops, cell phones and tablets. The real danger is students getting swamped with too much information, and it is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that only the right information gets through.

The Importance of Integrating Technology in Education:

a.     Instant access to Information

b.     Keeps students Engaged

c.     Encourages individual Learning at one’s own pace

d.    Provides a deeper and broader Knowledge

e.     Aids Teamwork and Collaboration

f.     Preparation for the Future

Teachers need to be guided and primed to deal with technology to

a.     Identify modern technological tools

b.     Need the necessary training and tech support for effective use of technology

c.     Need access to online educational resources and study material

d.    Update educational plans periodically

Online learning does not mean the abolition of the role of the traditional teacher. His role only becomes more significant. Traditional teaching methods must be further enhanced through modern methods of teaching and effective strategies through his role as mentor, motivator, supervisor and trainer, combining his experience with specialisation.

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680 words



  1. thanks! indeed technology is only a tool, the rest is for us!


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