Freepik Here I am at the end of a month of writing on February 29 th , a taxing yet enjoyable exercise which I managed to hang on to by the skin of my teeth. #WriteAPageADay by #Blogchatter challenges writers to write across the month and complete ten thousand words. So, there I was, all set to take the bit between my teeth and canter on, despite dire threats from my better half. “Don’t you already have enough to do in a day without this added complication?” I nodded, mulling over how to work it out. Being in school from 9AM to 4.30PM is a major chunk out of a day, no doubt. I could always do away with my evening walk! Wait a minute… what evening walk? That had already been done away with in my previous challenges. My better half and I both believe in the adage, “Eat well today for tomorrow you diet!” Hence, there are days we gorge, mostly on weekends, and then come back to our senses and our diets the rest of the week. Makes cooking a whole lot easier! Dinner? What cou...